About Me

I am a polymath. A renaissance soul. My life is defined not by one pursuit or interest, not by one career path, not by one hobby. My life is defined by many. 

I used to think there was something wrong with me. Why couldn't I just settle on one thing? Other people did it. They were perfectly content being a lawyer or a dentist. And yes, they had hobbies too, but they were contained. If you asked them what they did for a living you would get, "Oh, I'm a teacher. But I love to scrapbook too!” 

And that was the end of it. 

But me, I can't answer that question easily. I can tell you the things I currently do to earn money: I am a yoga, fitness and dance instructor; I am a web and graphic designer; I am a monitor at a local library; I am a crochet pattern designer; and a fledgling Website entrepreneur. 

And I can tell you the list of things I am interested in, that I spend time on, that I consider my hobbies: I'm learning Italian; I'm learning to knit; I'm learning to play the piano; I'm taking an exercise physiology course; and I'm learning about SEO and ways to enhance my businesses. 

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